Online Trauma Therapy in California and Ohio
providing online therapy for trauma throughout the states of California and Ohio
I’m Summer Forlenza, a licensed therapist who offers trauma therapy online for survivors in California and Ohio.
Many survivors who seek trauma therapy online do so because they are:
Seeking specialist care that they can’t find in their local community
Easily overwhelmed or overstimulated by travel and commuting
Most comfortable receiving trauma treatment when they have more control over the environment
The symptoms of trauma (including complex trauma) can make specialist in-office trauma therapy difficult to access.
I’m a trauma therapist online because I know that many survivors benefit from access to quality therapy from the comfort and safety of their home base.
As a trauma specialist who has been specializing in the treatment of developmental and complex trauma since the start of her career, I provide a unique approach to trauma treatment.

The Process of Trauma Therapy
Stage 1: Assessment and Seeking Stability
The first stage of online trauma therapy is establishing safety and stability both if your life and in our relationship. Together, we will begin to explore your current reactions to the world around you and experiment with new ways to respond to yourself and others.
The goal of this stage is to prepare you to address specific trauma memories in stage two.
Stage 2: Memory Reconsolidation
The second stage of online trauma therapy is to address specific trauma memories using specialized techniques including EMDR Therapy and Internal Family Systems therapy.
The goal of this stage is to change the way your brain and body react to reminders of the trauma that you have experienced. I am trained in memory reconsolidation therapies that help to change the way your brain remembers what happened, reducing the symptoms of PTSD.
Stage 3: Remembrance and Reintegration
The third stage of trauma therapy is processing the impact of what has happened and consider how it has shaped you. Together, we will grieve what has been lost or taken from you while turning our attention to the future.
The goal of this stage is to help you reconnect with the world around you with a renewed sense of self, connection to your values and sense of hope for the future.
Yes! Many trauma survivors actually find that doing their trauma therapy from home allows them to access treatment while in a safer and more calm environment without the hassle of commuting.
I use specific software to facilitate online EMDR Therapy, a memory reconsolidation technique that is clinically proven to reduce the symptoms of trauma.
As with all therapy, there is no one-size-fits all for trauma treatment. All trauma survivors will need a different approach to see progress and reach their goals in trauma therapy.
That being said, many trauma survivors come to me after traditional therapy has felt unhelpful. They are seeking therapies that incorporate the nervous system, memory reconsolidation techniques, and dissociation-informed trauma therapy.
I utilize EMDR Therapy alongside techniques from Internal Family Systems Therapy to support survivors of complex and developmental trauma.
While all therapists meet with clients who have experience trauma, not all therapist have specialized their training and experience in the treatment of complex and developmental trauma.
Treating trauma from the root (rather than simply managing the symptoms caused by trauma) requires continued specialized education, supervision, and training.
Please check my Fees & Insurance page for updated information.
If you live in California or Ohio and you are looking for a trauma therapist online,
reach out today to request a free 20-minute consultation so we can determine if we are a good fit for one another.