Now Offering

Ketamine Assisted

Psychotherapy (KAP)

What is KAP?

Ketamine assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is a cutting-edge therapeutic approach that combines the use of ketamine, a dissociative anesthetic, with traditional psychotherapeutic techniques.

This innovative treatment has shown promising results in addressing treatment resistant depression and trauma by creating altered states of consciousness that facilitate deep introspection and emotional healing.


What is ketamine and how does it work?

Ketamine is a legal, safe and effective medicine used to treat a variety of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety and PTSD. Ketamine has rapidly-acting antidepressant and mood-enhancing effects, which can begin to take effect within 1-2 hrs. after treatment and last for up to 2 weeks.

Ketamine works by blocking the brain’s NMDA receptors as well as by stimulating AMPA receptors, which are thought to help form new synaptic connections and boost neural circuits that regulate stress and mood. Ketamine has also been shown to enhance overall neuroplasticity for lasting symptom improvement.

What happens in a KAP session?

Before KAP begins, you will first meet with me for two to three preparation sessions where we discuss your concerns, goals, and therapeutic history.

I will then refer you to a medical provider for a comprehensive medical screening to discuss your medical history, current medications, and psychological concerns. If your provider deems ketamine to be a safe and appropriate treatment, you will be prescribed the medication in lozenge form to be sent to your home.

A typical ketamine dosing session lasts between 1-2 hours and can take place either in-person at my office in Rancho Cucamonga or remotely via telehealth. During a dosing session, you will self-administer your ketamine lozenge either in my office or in your home. You will be in a comfortable, reclining position wearing an eye mask and listening to calming music.

Although a KAP dosing session may be largely an internal experience, I will be present with you the entire time to hold space and provide support as needed.

After our KAP dosing session, we will meet for multiple integration therapy sessions to review the memories, thoughts & insights that arose during your dosing session, and to prepare for the next dosing session.

How does ketamine feel?

The effects of ketamine, which most patients find pleasant, last for approximately 45 minutes. These effects can make you feel “far from” your body, and facilitate shifts in perception that can often feel expansive in nature. Your motor and verbal abilities will be reduced, so you’ll be lying down in a comfortable position during the experience.

Once these effects subsided, we’ll spend the remainder of our appointment giving you space to process and discuss your experience. While it may feel hard to articulate what happened during the experience, patients feel like the insights gained are none-the-less clear. Studies have shown that the benefits to mood and neurological growth can last up to two weeks after the Ketamine experience.

How frequently will I need to attend Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?

The current research suggests that 8 dosing sessions are sufficient to produce clinically significant change. Each of these sessions is followed by an integration session and are spaced at least two weeks apart.

After the initial round of 8 dosing sessions and 8 integration sessions, most client return every few months for an additional session to help them maintain the progress they have achieved.

Benefits of KAP

  • One notable advantage of KAP is its ability to alleviate symptoms more rapidly than traditional psychotherapy. Clients often report a significant reduction in depressive symptoms, anxiety, and PTSD after just a few sessions.

  • Ketamine's dissociative properties allow individuals to access deeply buried emotions and memories that may be challenging to reach through conventional therapy alone. This increased emotional processing aids in resolving past traumas and promoting personal growth.

  • Research suggests that ketamine may promote neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, the brain's ability to rewire and form new neural connections. This can lead to improved cognitive functioning, increased creativity, and enhanced resilience.

  • When administered by trained professionals in a controlled setting, ketamine has been found to have a high safety profile. Side effects are generally mild and transient, including dizziness, nausea, and temporary increases in heart rate.

How much does treatment cost?

I offer KAP in partnership with Journey Clinical which will act as your medical team, supporting you on all medical aspects. This includes determining eligibility, developing a custom treatment plan, prescribing the medicine and monitoring outcomes.

Psychotherapy Costs

Preparation and integration sessions are priced at my typical hourly rate of $225/hr.

The cost for KAP dosing sessions (2 - 3 hours) is $500.

Although these sessions (including the medical intake and follow ups) are not covered by insurance, they are eligible for out-of-network reimbursement.

Journey Clinical Medical Costs

  • Medical Intake + Cost of Prescription: $250 (one time fee, reimbursable through out-of-network)

  • Follow-up Sessions: $150/Session (minimum of 1/quarter, reimbursable through out-of-network)

Interested in learning how KAP could help you in your recovery?