Therapy for Disordered Eating and Body Image
Your body deserves respect and care.
Does this sound familiar?
You feel out of control around food, maybe cycling between dieting and eating until you feel sick.
You avoid mirrors or looking at pictures of yourself because you hate your body.
You know you should exercise more, but being seen while exercising makes you feel ashamed and embarrassed.
You worry about judgement and criticism from the people in your life because of your body size.
You dream about the life you will have when you get thin, imagining the relationships you will pursue and the clothes you will wear.
You follow tons of fitness influencers, but haven’t found a way to follow their lifestyle recommendations?
Stop letting diet culture steal your joy.
I want to help you break out of the cycle of self-loathing, restricting, and bingeing to find peace with your body and with food.
I incorporate the principles of Health at Every Size and Intuitive Eating into my work with disordered eating and body image. This means that I help individuals to deconstruct and rebuild their beliefs about movement, food, and their bodies in order to live a more full, enjoyable, and vibrant life.
I help people who…
Feel as if their body is never good enough
Criticize their body when they look in the mirror
Feel guilt and shame after eating “bad” foods
Have lists of fear foods and safe foods
Have an “ideal” body shape locked in their head and are always trying to reach it
Feel exhausted and trapped in a cycle of dieting and binging.
I believe…
All bodies are worth of dignity, respect, and care
The way you move your body and think about food matters more than how much your body weighs or how it looks
You can respect and care for your body even if you don’t love how it looks
You can learn to manage uncomfortable emotions without relying on food
How It Works
Therapy for disordered eating and body image is an individualized process for each and every client I work with.
Together, we’ll explore your background and history to better understand your unique relationship with food, movement, and your body.
We’ll identify key pain points and challenges and work together to begin to shift your behaviors and perspectives.
Goals may include getting off the scale, getting into your body, and fueling yourself with foods you love.
We’ll talk, learn, practice, process, and plan to help you build the life you want to live.
I want you to feel liberated from the weight of worrying about your body size and excited at the prospect of breaking the cycle of diet culture so that you can put your time and energy towards the things that really matter to you.