The Cyclebreakers Club

for Californians breaking generational cycles of abuse, trauma, emotional immaturity, and dysfunction and who want to feel inspired, supported, connected, and confident

This Group Is For You If:

  • You're Breaking Cycles in Your Family

    Maybe the people who came before you were emotionally immature, unkind, or abusive. You’ve taken a good look at where you come from and decided that this cycle stops with you.

  • You're Looking for Support and Connection

    Breaking generational cycles can be lonely, painful, and confusing. You’re looking for a place where you won’t be judged and you can get support from others who truly get it.

  • You Want to Learn More About Intergenerational Trauma

    You’re curious, motivated, and hungry for more. You’ve started learning about trauma and intergenerational cycles and you want more!

Why Group?

Group therapy is not only less expensive than individual therapy, it’s also just as (if not more) effective at supporting your mental well-being.

Some of my favorite therapy moments of all time have happened during group therapy - there is nothing like getting support and validation and being SEEN by other people who truly get it and aren’t there to judge.

The Details


California residents who want to connect with other survivors, build a supportive community, practice emotion regulation tools, and leave with a greater understanding of yourself.

When & Where

Group meets from 6:15pm to 7:30pm on Thursday evenings virtually via Google Meet for eight weeks in a row.


Group costs $600 in total, split into a $200 deposit and two monthly payments of $200.

Signing Up

When spots open up, folks on the interest list will receive an email with a link to an application.

Want to get started right away?

Check out my courses.